Edge Athletics Announces Fall Peak Performance Basketball Training Program
— August 3, 2024Peak Performance Basketball – Fall 2024 – Registration Now Open
Do you play basketball to train…or do you train to become a better basketball player? The PPB program is one stop shopping for the elite and aspiring basketball player. Our goal is to provide a program that strictly, uniquely, and specifically supports the development and advancement of the basketball player to prepare him for the highest level. There is no need to go anywhere else. Everything you need is right here in this all encompassing program!
With the success of our pilot Peak Performance Basketball program which launched in the summer of 2021 and the modified version which ran the last three years in the fall, Edge Athletics is pleased and excited to once again offer Peak Performance for this fall. There will be two four week sessions (Session I and Session II). This four week program will serve as preseason training for the CYO, Modified, High School Freshmen, High School Junior Varsity and High School Varsity levels.
Athletes will be placed in groups based on their skill set, age, and overall basketball ability. Each session will be 90 minutes and will be have three segments…train, practice, and scrimmage. The training section will include strength and conditioning appropriate for each group.
The fee for each session is $225.
Some additional notes: These athletes will be working hard and should be prepared. Here are some things we suggest.
- Eat appropriately prior to arriving.
- An extra shirt to change into at the end of the session.
- An outside pair of athletic shoes.
- There are water fountains, but feel free to bring your own water and/or sports drink
Feel free to contact me at 845-264-5078 if you have any questions.
Coach Santoro, Coach Jordan
For more information and highlights of past sessions, Click Here
Click Here to register and select “register for AAU”
Program Details:
- 4 weeks of training, two sessions each week. Each session is 90 minutes.
- All Sessions will be conducted by Coach Jim Santoro and Tom Jordan as well as other Edge Athletics staff and guest coaches.
- Sessions each week will include skills training, controlled scrimmages, strength and conditioning, and structured varsity level practices (modified for the younger groups as appropriate). Practice content will include what is typical for a regular varsity practice. For the younger athletes, practice content will include intense instruction with skill development appropriate for that age level.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q. Where will the program take place?
A. All sessions will be held at the Poughkeepsie Day School.
Q. When will the program begin and end?
A. Session I will begin on Monday, September 9. Session II will begin on Monday, October 7
Q. What days and times will workouts be?
A. We plan on running sessions beginning at 5pm with the last session finishing no later than 10pm, Monday through Friday and sometimes Saturdays and Sundays. After the groups are filled, we will try to accommodate everyones schedule as best we can with priority for the early slots going to the youngest athletes.
Q. Will there be tryouts?
A. No. Although there will be no tryouts, this program is directed towards basketball players with prior basketball experience that expect to compete at the high school level or for those younger athletes that have already played competitively. THIS IS NOT A PROGRAM FOR BEGINNERS. In order to maximize preparations for the upcoming season, we are seeking the most serious players in the area.
Q. How many athletes will make up each group?
A. There will be a maximum of 15 athletes per session. The objective is to create training and practice groups that consist of athletes that are best suited to train and practice together so that they get the most benefit.
Q. If there are no tryouts, how will the available slots be filled?
A. Athletes will be accepted on a first come first serve basis. However, athletes that were NOT part of our spring AAU program will be accepted only after conversing with the parent, guardian, and athlete to ensure this is the right program for them.
Q. How we will know if I have been accepted into the program?
A. All athletes that were on one of our spring AAU teams will automatically be accepted in the fall program. All others will be notified AFTER we have received your registration and have spoken directly to us either by phone or in person.
Q. You haven’t mentioned age divisions. Will there be traditional 11u through 17u age divisions?
A. No. We will at first group athletes by age but will modify the groups based on skill level so that we can best maximize the benefit of the practice and workout sessions. Since we are not competing in tournaments (see next question), it is not necessarily needed to group by age.
Q. Will this program send teams to tournaments?
A. No, we will not be participating in tournaments. In-house scrimmages, however, will be part of the weekly training.
Q. If you are not going to tournaments, how will the athletes get the most benefit?
A. Our program is designed to provide a varsity level practice session directed by Edge Athletics each week with the intensity level that will help prepare them for the upcoming season. We are confident that you can prepare for upcoming season by training with us.
Q. What are “Shooting Gallery” workouts and are they included?
A. The “Shooting Gallery” are shooting workouts that we conduct with the use of 4 shooting machines. Although not included, athletes can participate in any scheduled Shooting Gallery session, if any. We will schedule these sessions outside of the normal 2 day a week schedule. These sessions will be an hour long and athletes can expect to get up at least 400 shots each in a fun and competitive environment.
Q. If I can’t make the Shooting Gallery session when it is scheduled, can I make it up?
A. Although we will try to schedule the Shooting Gallery session to accommodate as many athletes schedule as possible, it will be difficult to offer additional makeup sessions. However, we will do our best to give all athletes the opportunity to use our shooting equipment.
Q. Are additional Edge Athletics workout sessions going to still be available for individuals and small groups?
A. Yes. Schedule permitting, we will offer additional training for individual and small group training to focus on specialized skills.
Q. What is the tuition for this program?
A. The tuition is $225. There is $25 discount for those athletes that were on one of our 2023 spring AAU teams. If you were not on one of our 2023 spring AAU teams, but you register for Session I, you will receive the $25 discount if you register for Session II.
Q. When is tuition due?
A. Tuition is due prior to the first week of sessions. We will designate a day for you to come in and make the payment.
Q. Is there a tryout fee?
A. No. There is no tryout so there is no tryout fee.
Q. Is there a uniform fee?
A. No. Since we are not playing in tournaments, there is no need for a uniform, and, therefore, no uniform fee.
Q. Do we need to have an AAU membership?
A. Yes. All participants must have an active AAU card and provide to us upon registration.
Q. How do we register?
A. Registration will be done through the Edge Athletics website. If you already have an account with us, its pretty easy. Just log into your account from our homepage and register like you did for the spring and fall program. If you do not have an account, you can create one by going to the homepage and follow the instructions.
Q. If I have other questions, can I contact your directly?
A. Certainly. Feel free to email me at info@edgeathletics.com, call or text me at 845-264-5078.