— February 10, 2014Edge Athletics is excited and proud to announce that NBA Skills Trainer DJ Sackmann and I’m Possible Training will partner together starting this Spring AAU season. This means that in addition to all Edge teams having a high school level coach teaching and guiding them this year, they will also be trained by Sackmann during a once-per-week skills session.
Although all of the scheduling details have not yet been worked out, the practice and game schedule format will be similar to prior years. Each team will generally practice twice a week, excepting heavy exam and vacations weeks, with a minimum of twenty practice sessions for the season. They will also play a minimum of twenty games which are scheduled through tournament play. This year, however, one of the two practice days each week will be a training session conducted by Mr. Sackmann. Edge coaches will work with D.J. during the second practice, but it will be directed and taught by DJ. “We are very pleased to have DJ on our staff working with our kids. He is the best in the business and our athletes will certainly gain an “edge” training with him,” said Jim Santoro, Director of Edge Athletics. “This is going to elevate all of our athletes and our entire program,” Santoro added.
Although also not yet finalized, there will be a modest increase in the tuition for each athlete this year, but it will be well worth it. “We have not increased our tuition for our athletes in over ten years,” Santoro said. “We thought long and hard about the overall implications of moving in this direction, and we felt that there really was no downside,” he added. Edge Athletics has been training basketball players since 1999 and has grown into one of the largest in the area. In addition to spring AAU teams, Edge Athletics offers personal Shooting and Skills development instruction, traditional summer basketball camps, and specialized skills training camps.
In addition to this partnership, there is another pending announcement with regards to an I’m Possible Skills Training Center. “We have some more exciting news to be announced in the very near future,” Santoro indicated. He wouldn’t elaborate at this time, but we can all see where this is heading!
Great news from Edge Athletics! Check out the video of D.J.: