Hotel Information For Hershey and Shippensburg

Hotel informtaion for Hershey and Shippensburg will be available in the next few days.  As of now, we have 75 rooms blocked at the Holiday in Hershey.  This is a great facility for families to stay.  It has a very large outdoor pool and an indoor pool and is centrally located to all of the game sites.  We will be posting reservation instructions shortly.  The hotel has given us a reduced rate as long as we can guarantee them that our program will take the rooms that are blocked for us.

For Shippensburg, the AYBT has blocked rooms in towns approximately 10 miles from the university.  All games will be played at the university.  There are hotels in Shippensburg, but we currently do not have arrangements for them or a special rate.  We are working on it and will let you know in the next week or two.

Please make every effort to stay at the Holiday Inn in Hershey.  Thanks!

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