Edge Athletics COVID-19 Safety Plan

1. Only athletes, coaches, and trainers will be permitted in the building.
2. Each athlete entering the building must have temperature checked. If temperature exceeds the guidelines, athlete will not be permitted in the gym.
3. Each athlete will be asked a series of questions prior to entering building.
4. Each athlete must bring their own sanitizer to each session. Athletes entering the building will be required to use sanitizer per directions prior to entering the building.
5. Door handles and other contact surfaces in the entry way will be cleaned and sanitized before the day begins and after the conclusion of the last session each evening.

1. Only Edge Athletes, coaches, and trainers will be permitted in the gymnasium.
2. The doors to the gymnasium will remain open at all times, minimizing contact to entry surfaces
3. Bleachers will not be used for athletes. Benches will be used for athletes for changing sneakers, breaks, etc.
4. Bags, backpacks, etc. are to be placed on a designated “X”
5. The gymnasium will be cleaned and sanitized before the day begins and at the conclusion of the last session each evening. The surfaces to be cleaned will include but not limited to the following: A. Walls deemed by Jim Santoro where athletes have been in contact. B. Benches used by athletes, coaches, and trainers. C. Ball Rack – To be sanitized after each session.

1. Water fountain will be disabled. Each athlete will be required to bring their own water bottle, clearly marked for identification.

1. Only 1 person permitted in restroom at a time.
2. Hand sanitizer will be available at the wash station
3. Restrooms will be cleaned and sanitized before the day begins and after the conclusion of the last session of the evening.

1. Masks will be required to be worn upon entry into the building and are to be worn at all times until the coaches, trainers, and athletes take the gym floor.
2. No coach, trainer, or athlete will be permitted to enter the building

General Cleaning:
1. Edge Athletics staff will clean the premises as described in the above sections. We are in the process of securing a disinfecting unit (see below) or a similar unit with disinfecting functionality.