Spring 2015 Information Meeting Set
— February 7, 2015There will be an Edge Athletics information meeting for all those interested in trying out for boys basketball age groups 11u through 17u on Monday, February 23, at 7pm. The meeting will be held at the Poughkeepsie Day School Gymnasium located on Boardman road in the Town of Poughkeepsie (the gym is the last building on the north end of the campus). Pre-registration for tryouts can be done online by following the steps under “Register for Spring AAU” to the right of the website. Although we prefer that you register in advance, you can register before and after the information meeting, beginning at 6pm and will continue after the meeting up until 9pm. All Tryouts will be conducted at the Poughkeepsie Day School. There is a $25 tryout fee. The tryout fee payment can be made at pre-registration on the 23rd or prior to tryouts. Candidates must have an AAU insurance card. Candidates can apply for an AAU insurance card directly online at:www.aauboysbasketball.org or we can do it for you at the pre registration meeting.
See the news section for the tryout schedule.